“好的翻译”如何翻译:Tony Blaire 回忆录的前言



“I wanted to modernise Britain so that, while retaining pride in having worn the mantle of the world’s most powerful nation as the twentieth century began, it didn’t feel bereft and in decline as the twenty-first century arrived, because that mantle would no longer fit.”

这段文字摘录自Tony Blaire回忆录《旅程:我的政治生涯》(A journey: My Political Life)




“I wanted to modernise Britain so that it retains its pride in having worn the mantle of the world’s most powerful nation as the twentieth century began, and at the same time, it won’t feel bereft and in decline as the twenty-first century arrived because that mantle will no longer fit.”

以这段文字来和原文比较,会发现这一段文字似乎也可以理解为Tony Blaire尝试在21世纪维护其20世纪的帝国荣光,而非如同原文,Tony Blaire在承认帝国荣光不在的现实尝试适应时代的变化。实际上,摘录这段文字的文章正是如前者这么理解Tony Blaire的话的。



通过重新排列句子并加上“以后”这样的时序词,我将原文中那句”the mantle no longer fits”中所含的承认英帝国在21世纪已经荣光不在的含义保留了下来,并排除了“尝试在21世纪维护英帝国20世纪的辉煌”这样的阐释方式。

翻译是一项繁杂的工作。第一翻译者,通常很难通过自查发现自己的翻译中多出来的含义。这是因为翻译者在自我检查文字的时候,往往还处于原文的框架中。 这也是为何,我们建议翻译后的文字,特别是很敏感,容易引起误会的文字,最后找另一个审稿人审查。


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