
As the name suggests, we primarily provide translation service between the two most widely used languages in the world: Chinese and English.

At How2Translate, our work is guided by our philosophy towards languages. We believe in the power of communication, and the importance of good language work in that process. While we believe it is difficult, if not impossible, to translate from one culture to another without laborious annotation, we however endeavour to achieve the principles of accuracy, accessibility and elegance in our work.

Below are detail descriptions of our services.

Chinese to English Translation:

We can provide translation for any material, ranging from promotional materials, website content, to large projects like books or academic papers. If the material involves specialized content, like medical or legal, we will need to review the material before accepting the job.

Fees: USD0.08 ~ USD0.12 per character (about RM0.25 ~ RM0.40). So an article of a thousand characters will cost USD80 ~ USD120 depending on the complexity.

English to Chinese Translation:

Similar to our Chinese to English translation service, we also accept all materials unless it involves very specialized content.

Fees: USD 0.15 ~ USD 0.25 per word (about RM0.50 ~ RM0.80).

Some of you may be puzzled by the difference in fees, but consider this: the Chinese translation of an English word often contains two or more characters. As a result, the resulting Chinese translation usually contains about twice as many characters as English words.

Proofreading and content consultancy

Need a second opinion after you get your material translated? Want a second pair of eyes to help pick out what you might miss? We understand how easy it is to become too close to your own work resulting in a loss of perspective. We help you to look at your work with a fresh perspective while respecting the originality and integrity of your work.

Fees: Negotiable according to complexity and volume.

How to calculate the number of words

We follow a simple method: word count tool in Word. Paste the source text in a Word Document, and check the total word count. If your source is not something that can be transferred to Word, e.g. a scanned pdf file, then we will quote you based on an estimate.

Please feel free to browse our portfolio and drop us an email.